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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Short Review: "Create, Narrate, Punctuate: How to Fashion Exquisitely Styled Sentences"

This is a non-fiction writing textbook disguised as a meditation on the use and abuse of language, and a pretty good one, too. Reminds me of Edwin Newman's "On Language," or Richard Lederer's "Less than Words can Say" but with end of chapter questions and answers. Not a dry recitation of grammar rules (although virtually all the rules are spelled out clearly), but rather an argument for good written communication, using quotes from famous writers and wry remarks on the state of English these days (poor, generally) to get his point across.

The author, Ramy Tadros, teaches at the college level (in Australia...much of the book uses British spelling) and does some editing on the side. Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this eBook from StoryCartel in exchange for a review. The image above links to the book's Amazon page.

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