Attended a very interesting auction yesterday (J. Pandur) - lots of good china and collectibles, good atmosphere, some great deals. Wacko prices, though - the sheer range was astonishing. Someone purchased an empty cardboard box for $400 just because it had a picture of Hopalong Cassidy on it. On the other hand, someone else walked out of there with about 20 antique windup wall clocks for $20 each. I was looking for bargains - and I don't know much about clocks - so I didn't bid very often, but I did get some blue Willow china, a few pieces of depression glass, and a cool metal condiment server with 6 etched glass carafes. Let an entire set of Noritake dinnerware go for $20 to someone else because I didn't know the pattern and I don't have room for it in inventory, though.
I go hot and cold on inventory. There are days when I think I should just buy good quality things as they come up and store them until the right person comes along to buy. Other days I look around and think "Enough! Let's get this stuff out of here!" Some compromise, I suppose...6 months? A year? I was about to take all the big china sets to a high end auctioneer and get rid of them last week, and then someone ordered several pieces through the website.
OK. I'll hold on to them a little longer...someone might need them.